I just recently found out (Nov 14) the Rohrbaugh company is no more.
I was kind of wondering what has been going on because their web page hasn't changed for as long as I can remember.
I have had my R9 for around 6 years. There isn't a gun the carries anywhere near as sweetly as my R9.I own a Nighthawk 45 for my pistol league, an Ed brown Kobra LW,that I carry at times,a Glock 27,which I carry mostly in the woods while bow hunting. And when I found out recently about the Rohrbaugh company, I ordered, and just received a Glock 42.it's still sitting in the box it came in.
I feel saddened about the company and the 2 Rohrbaugh brothers,who I am sure put their heart and soul in what they were producing.
That being said, has there been any news on the prospects for the future of this firearm? I don't see anything good coming out of Remington getting involved.
that's all I got to say.