Welcome... I am convinced that if yours is in proper working order you will love your R9.
Carry much and fire little is good advice on here. Once you are confident in your piece I would keep the range rounds low.
Also, you may want to consider letting your pistol cool between mags.
Finally run quality ammo (124 Gold Dot is popular for the R9) and keep it much cleaner than you would an average gun.
I know this may sound a bit extreme, but remember you are running the worlds smallest 9mm auto pistol.
Hope I wasn't too preachy, but just want you to experience the best results from your R9.
Enjoy! I'm just getting some good results out of mine after a simple warranty repair that took me awhile to diagnose and then get repaired with the company change of hands and all.
This is a great group of guys on here.
I hope you enjoy the pistol and forum! Welcome tattoo.