With a broken r9 I have been in a similar dilemma trying to figure out what to pocket carry.
I personally don't prefer pocket carry. Everything prints and wants to pull my pants down.
Knowing my prejudice, I could really only pocket carry R9 or smaller. I could only carry 9 or 380 with confidence.
Only really 4 choices FOR ME since the solo and Kahr 9 are too big for me to pocket carry comfortably.
1) R9 and it doesn't shoot like my Kimber Solo as MRC pointed out. Aside from some muzzle flip (manageable) and 2 fingers on the gun it fires like a bigger gun IMO. Over 1500 rounds on mine now. Flawless with proper ammo. Finally, in an effort to get mine to become reliable I broke it. Rats.
2) Kahr 380 which is the same size as the R9. I have not been able to come up with the right ammo for this gun to prove itself reliable yet though. LOVE how the guns shoots. Very accurate. You can dump 7 rounds and the little gun is smooth as a pocket 380 could be, but even after a trip to the factory I still have some bugs to work out. Thought I had it worked out.
3) Seecamp 380... NOT. Belly gun IMO. I could hit a silhouette center of mass, but I aim at the crotch to do so. It HURTS the trigger finger badly too. Ouch.
4) sig 238 not my style. Don't like cocked and locked in my pocket. I know the thought that it's the same as a striker fired pistol, but not to my mind. Just doesn't feel right. Nice gun, but not for me.
Even though I like certain polymer guns for reliability the ruger, smith and keltech have no place of interest FOR ME.
I want to get the Kahr 9, but with the issues of reliability out of the 380 I'm a bit gun shy.
I currently opt to carry iWB 6 days a week when my shirt is untucked. More comfortable for me. Sunday is a pot luck of either ankle carry, belly band or pocket carry if my pants aren't too tight for comfortable, concealed carry. Not real happy with these options, but I'm committed to carrying as much as I can.
If you are a dedicated Pocket carrier and your R9 makes you happy I would personally carry it. It will probably end up left to a kid and I imagine it would be of far greater value with some good old fashioned wear from dads daily use than if it were pristine. That's how I look at it anyway.
That being said I can't bring myself to scratch up certain guns I own either. They aren't the ones I carry though.