In Illinois, when the carry law was being written, state representative Naomi Jakobsson led an effort to ban concealed carry at hospitals and had the gall to say that she was making hospitals safer, her proposal eventually made it into the Illinois concealed carry act, disarming nurses, technicians and other hospital and clinic employees - including anyone who worked at a veterinarian's office and she had the audacity to declare that she was making hospitals safer.
She never bothered to check to see how many nurses or other hospital employees are assaulted in Illinois going to and from work, she never attempted to see if a ban at hospitals and clinics ever made those places safer, she just relied on her self-righteous arrogance and declared it to be so.
If you can find a video of her stumbling through her defense of the measure - it is a joke. She couldn't answer even the most simple question about her proposed amendment without turning to her nearby LCAV prompters for the answer, which she then attempted to repeat verbatim to the house floor.
- was any study done to see how many doctors, nurses, medical technicians etc, were assaulted, robbed or raped on the way to and from their vehicles? In the last 3 years 5 years? Any crime statistics gathered?
- was any study done to determine what things factor into hospital employees being safe? ie: number of security staff, armed guards versus unarmed guards, proximity of employee parking lot to building entrances, number and location of security cameras, amount of lighting etc.. ?
- are there currently mandates for hospitals and or clinics to meet certain standards for exterior and parking lot lighting, security cameras and or security staff, or other standards that would be deemed (by a study) to enhance safety?
- if no study was done to assess if hospitals and clinics throughout the state are safe or not and no study was done to determine what factors make them safer or less safe, how can a legislator purport to be making hospitals safer?
- if the true intent was to make hospitals safer, does the state have a set of recommendations for Illinois hospitals?
No the state of Illinois, after having disarmed everyone who works in the medical profession, made no attempt to address their safety concerns. Under state law, both the accountant and the car mechanic have the right to self defense, but doctors and nurses do not.
- if the true intent was to make hospitals safer, why didn't the law have funding to help hospitals implement enhanced safety measures?