I agree with everyone here.... just little confused by Griff's last statement.
"The gun should live in the holster. When disarming leave the gun in the holster."
Many years ago I was told to never store a gun in the holster because it could add to
possible trap moisture around the gun. I never gave it much thought but now I'm wondering
is that true or just a wise tail?
I have developed as my personal policy to limit unnecessary gun handling.
At night, when I disarm before bed, I remove my R9, still in it's pocket holster, and put it away.
The next morning, when I get dressed, I put it back in my pocket, still in the holster.
I clean and re-lube the gun at the first of each month, with a thorough inspection of all components, including magazines and ammo.
If I have a range trip, or an event that introduces humidity, I go ahead and do a take-down and cleaning.
I have tried to make the whole operation very methodical and purposeful in order to eliminate variables.
I think it is a good way to reduce the possibility of mistakes by doing it the same way all the time, having a protocol eliminates variables that could result in a mistake.
I don't leave my guns in leather holsters when stored in the safe.