Author Topic: How can Harris Tactical publish a mag called "Pocket Pistols" & not have the R9?  (Read 8119 times)

Offline C0untZer0

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I was buying some groceries and saw this magazine called Concealed Carry Handguns 2012 Buyer's Guide: "Pocket Pistols"

They had articles on the Kimber Solo, Beretta Nano, Kahr and even the Boberg.  No mention at all of the Rohrbaugh R9.

Did Carl run over the editor's dog or something?

How can you have a magazine with that title and not have at least one article on the R9?

Offline Reinz

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It does make you wonder.

Is the writer inept or the editor?   Or is there more to the story?

I used to subscribe to Combat Handguns for years, published by Harris.  It along with every other gunzine  on the rack.  I had to cut back, due to lack of speed reading skills.  Besides my NRA mag, I picked what I considered by many the best Handgun mag out there.  They were/are known for holding their writers up to a higher standard.  And don't worry about bad mouthing advertisers unlike everyone else.  If they said the gun is good, you can take it to the bank.

Then the King of Mags fell of it's pedestal in my eye.

Now the story that I am about to tell is in no way, my way of accusing Harris Publishing or suggesting anyting similar to what is about to be told.  But it does make you wonder if this is an industry standard in SOME circles.

A very good freind of mine was working for a very talented 1911 mechanic.   An unknown to most civilians.  Wait time for his custom pistols 1-2 yrs.  And this is without advertising.

My favorite gunzine heard about this guy and APPROACHED HIM.  " We want to do a layout..... maybe a cover piece, but you have to GIVE US A COUPLE OF GUNS."   Not loan for photos or range test, but GIVE, as in BRIBE.   If you only knew this gunsmith ;D.  Not only did he say no, but, well you get the picture being from the service.  Needless to say this guy has NEVER been mentioned in those pages ever, and I am sure, never will.

Ok you can argue, a barter for advertising. And the prestige of being in "....".  Yes, but one, he was backlogged already.  And two, a VERY UNETHICAL way to go about it.

Again, I am not accusing Harris Publishing.  However, in the back of my mind I have to wonder if palms are greased in some way for both sides to win in this industry. 
After all, I come from a few different industries and wheels are set in motion by different ways in each individual industry.

Or hey, maybe it is something just petty sorority like, Rohrbaugh does not advertise much or not at all with Harris.  So it's payback time.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 01:57:19 AM by Reinz »

Offline backupr9

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Reinz, you nailed it.  Happens in all endeavors that depend on video or print media for  exposure....advertising and news  become indistinguishable....the oldest profession takes many forms.
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Endur Fortis

Offline Richard S

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It reminds me of the Immigration Officers at a certain West African airport who were notorious for asking new arrivals seeking entry into the country the question, "And what do you have for me today?"

The "correct" (i.e., anticipated) response was to have a US "Benjamin" folded under the front cover of your passport.

That would elicit the desired entry stamp in your passport and a comment by the official, "Your papers appear to be in order."

The "Benjamin," of course, was no longer in the passport when it was returned to you across the raised counter.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 07:03:12 PM by Richard S »
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

Offline Reinz

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Richard, from what I have heard about Africa, it does not surprise me.  Sure is risky though. :P

Offline C0untZer0

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They did a story on the Kimber Solo and from what I've read, the QC on those varies from pistol to pistol.  IMO a few people have gotten some Solos that have been trouble free, a lot of people have purchased Solos that just wouln't function - no matter how manny trips back to the factory they took.  The last guy a knew who had one, Kimber replaced his whole pistol - he didn't mess with it at all, no test firing nothing - he sold Factory New and started looking for another pistol (I think he settled on a Kahr IIRC).

They didn't do a story on the DB9 either.  I thought "If you're going to do a story on the  Solo - which has a spotty reputation for reliability, why not do a story on the DB9 - which has a similarly spotty reputation for reliability (actually I think the DB9 is worse).

They had a story on the Baby Desert Eagle, Boberg and at least a dozen stories on pistols that you couldn't cram into a pocket if your life depended on it, but no R9.

Why entitle the issue "Pocket Pistols", and do a dozen stories on non-pocket pistols while leaving out the Rohrbaugh R9?

Offline DDGator

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Clearly there is a lot of subjectivity to what is printed.  My limited experience in print firearms journalism hasn't exposed anything nearly as blatant as what Reinz describes, but who knows?  Maybe the editor doesn't like Rohrbaugh, or does like Boberg, or whatever.

Long time readers of this forum will remember the debacle with the "Gun Tests" review of the R-9.

My biased opinion is that if you want reviews that are uncorrupted by editorial policy, subscribe to Concealed Carry Magazine.  Each author will have their own preferences and prejudices, of course, but there is no editorial policy that dictates or even affects content--other than the demands of good journalism.

Duane (DDGator)
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Offline m9x18

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I too was wondering about the lack of or sparse coverage of the Rohrbaugh in so many of these gun magazines. Why is that? I don’t know. But, from what I’ve found out on my own is that the R9 is nothing short of excellence of execution.  It is a wonderful example of where form truly meets function. To me, the gun is easy to hold and easy to hide. Taking many things into account, I find the pistol quite manageable for its size, weight, and caliber. It does exactly what it was designed to do and beautifully so. Maybe people don’t need gun magazines to praise this great little blaster after all, although that would be nice. Maybe all the shooting public needs are people like us who have the firsthand experience and personal knowledge of this fine little pocket pistol. Word of mouth and personal testimony (from credible and reliable sources) is after all, the best advertising of all.     

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Offline C0untZer0

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Gun World did it too with this year's "Concealed Carry Handguns "Massive" Buyers Guide.

I looked through it and the Rohrbaugh is not listed

They have crap guns listed in there that have been documented to literally blow apart in the user's hand with standard pressure commercial ammo, but they don't list the R9.

I don't know what's up but it's weird...

« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 11:50:17 AM by C0untZer0 »

Offline jayson

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Hilarious.  They have the solo DC which I was looking for since shot show and doesn't even seem to be released yet but no r9.  They probably have the Kimber micro in there too. Lol
Jayson D