I had a Colt Mustang that I purchased for my wife. She had a purse with an inner pocket that fit the Mustang perfectly. So I thought "Wow - that's great, she can just keep it in this pocket.
She was going on a business trip, She watched me load the Mustang, and put it cocked and locked in the purse pocket.
When she came back, I opened the pocket and took the Mustang out, the safety was down. When I saw the safety was off a chill went down my spine... It was still cocked. My wife hadn't touched the pistol, hadn't even gone into that purse pocket at all.
The gun didn't discharge but I have no idea how long she was carrying the pistol around cocked with the safety off.
So, I realized it needed to be carried in a holster that covered not only the trigger guard but the safety as well.