I always ask people that I talk about guns with if they belong to the NRA.
I tell them that if they have a gun and want to keep it, they should support the National Rifle Association.
If you haven't seen the "Five Videos Every Gun Owner Must See" on the NRA websight, I recomend you take a few minutes to watch them.
Stepping off my soapbox, I got to check out a .380 Rohrbaugh at the gun store that has my 9mm ordered, and am really impressed now that I have actually put my mits on one, and can hardly wait to take posession of it when it arrives. It should be here in the next week or so.
The September issue of the NRA's America's 1st Freedom magazine has a link to the videos, but it didn't go right to it on my computer, so I hope someone that is more proficient at these things than I am will point the way.
Let me know what y'all think.