« on: May 04, 2012, 08:48:35 AM »
The slide stop on M&Ps may be hard for some people to release.It was designed as a stop....not a release....power stroke the slide to release it.
Seven drops of lubricant.....one on each rail insert in the frame(4)........one on the muzzle of the barrel......one on the top front corners of the hood....one on the tail of the trigger bar
The striker channnel in the slide and the magazine tube MUST remain clean and dry
After 5000 rounds or 5 years replace the magazine spring assembly, recoil spring assembly and trigger return spring
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 09:03:57 AM by Jack_F »
NRA Life Member
NRA Certified instructor: Pistol,Rifle,Shotgun ,Muzzleloading-Pistol-Rifle-Shotgun,Personal Protection In The Home, Personal Protection Outside The home,Home Firearm Safety