Very sweet deal indeed! A six inch blue Python is on my wish list. I thought they were going for that price alone?
I have the blue Pythons in 4 and 8 inch. Now I am on the lookout for a 6" as well. My step-father has one but I'm sure that he won't let it go!! (I wouldn't). And yes, lately in the past year or so, it seems that they have been going for 1200-1600 each. Pretty steep increase lately. I found the SAA and subsequently the Python on and was able to negotiate a good deal. I don't think the man I bought them from really knew what he had in the Python. He was asking $1000 for the SAA (which is a very very good deal in the first place) and I really wasn't even going to try and negotiate with him on that. I was happy paying that for the gun. After I saw that he had the Python, he told me that his former father-in-law had given it to him and that he really just wasn't into the collectable or older firearms and was going to use the money from the sale to buy something more modern. I just threw 1600 out there for both, expecting to be turned down. When he said yes, my heart nearly exploded and I couldn't get my money clip out fast enough. I kept my composure until I was back in the car and on the road!!