More is better....however a new member bought the R9S, so I'm down to one R9. It does take the place of the various other small 9's that I've sold as less than trustworthy and will remain my main summer carry and a back up for my Kimber Ultra CDP II winter carry (or one of several revolvers depending on circumstance). I had posted earlier that the Covert blistered/cut forefinger and middle finger with about 40 rounds fired. Turns out that with my small to middle size hands, I was putting my 5th finger one/above the curved mag extension which pushed my grip up too high and caused issues. I'll fire again with the small finger below the extension and I'll bet there'll ben o problem. I'm planning to buy one or more of the straight black grip extensions from John when he quits loafing around in Ireland and gets back to business.
You just have to love the Pup...solid, heavy enough to have presence, entirely functional and with loving care it works just like it should...reminds me of a really good expensive watch, but more useful!