Took the pup out for the third range session this past Friday. A perfect and smooth 50 rounds of American Eagle and the Speer Gold Dot. Now that i am a bit more familiar and comfortable with the pistol, I can only say how tremendously well this pistol functions, handles and looks! As I was on the fence for a long few years, with the expense of the pup and not being able to hold/handle/shoot the pistol prior to a possible purchase, i just want to say--DO NOT HESITATE to purchase the R9!
From two handed grip, to one handed strong and weak hand both, I find it quite easily managed. The magazine extension from Yankee helps, but is by no means necessary. The stock grips seem just fine to me, as well, though i wouldn't be surprised if i decided to try the VZ grips down the road. And a very odd benefit, as a noobie to the shooting sport: I seem to handle and fire my Springfield XD SC 9mm and my SW snub nose better than ever before--they somehow handle better and feel better in the hand after I have become more adept at using the Rohrbaugh. Weird, but there you go.
And finally, to anyone hesitating to purchase the pup due to many threads regarding the supposed difficulty in disassembly/reassembly: I had absolutely NO issue with this. I used Dave Shober's brilliant SlideBlok, as well as Yankee's brass take down tool and had a very easy time of things.
Thanks for letting me rant

as i am just so very excited to have become part of the pup family. Have a great rest of the weekend!