First post here. Been lurking for a week or so. I have reserved a R9-robar at the closest dealer I could find from the Rohrbaugh website. I will go in Saturday to complete the purchase.
I had originally called them to ask how much the robar version of the R9 was, as my local shop has a regular R9 for $1,100. The clerk just took my call said that the robar version was no longer being made. Then the guy said "oh, you know what, the shop owner just told me that this unit is a robar - we are asking $1,200".
My question is this. If the regular version is $1,100 and the robar is only $100 more (assuming the clerk at the authorized dealer was correct in telling me that the gun was a robar), than how is it that sending a regular R9 to the robar factory would cost around $300? That all said, I may be wrong on the $300 price tag, but that is what I remember from the robar website).
Could it be that the clerk got it wrong, and he actually has a regular R9 that is simply $100 more than what my local shop is asking? I don't want to drive an extra hour each way (to the authorised dealer) only to find out that the gun they have saved for me is actually a regular R9.
Of course I could simply call them back and confirm, I will certainly do so tomorrow. But in the meantime, I thought I would run this buy you guys.
Sorry for the thread hyjack, hopefully my first thread here will be a range report of my new Robar R9...