Author Topic: extensions on the mags  (Read 4449 times)

Offline pelahale

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extensions on the mags
« on: January 22, 2011, 07:24:02 PM »
I just ordered couple of those mag extensions from yankee2500 (as well as the takedown tool) - before I get them, is there a good thread here about the best way to open up the magazines to attach these? I didn't want to damage the mags in any way if there's something about them I didn't know.

BTW, I posted a vid about my new Rohrbaugh on youtube - you can search Rohrbaugh pelahale to find it - not useful for the members here, but it was meant for those unfamiliar at all with the Rohrbaughs.  Feel free to tell me anything wrong/inaccurate I said on it; I'd appreciate the corrections.

Offline FloridaCCW

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Re: extensions on the mags
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2011, 07:56:25 PM »
Nice video!!
Here is the link
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 07:56:53 PM by FloridaCCW »

Offline yankee2500

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Re: extensions on the mags
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2011, 08:35:47 PM »
I just ordered couple of those mag extensions from yankee2500 (as well as the takedown tool) - before I get them, is there a good thread here about the best way to open up the magazines to attach these? I didn't want to damage the mags in any way if there's something about them I didn't know.

BTW, I posted a vid about my new Rohrbaugh on youtube - you can search Rohrbaugh pelahale to find it - not useful for the members here, but it was meant for those unfamiliar at all with the Rohrbaughs.  Feel free to tell me anything wrong/inaccurate I said on it; I'd appreciate the corrections.

Good job on the video.

The extensions are very easy to install.
  Hold the mag bottom up, push a small pointed object into the round hole in the bottom of the mag and push the detent down, start to slide the floor plate off. Be careful and cover the spring with your thumb to keep it from flying out. Once the factory floor plate is off simply slide the extension on, be sure the detent seats in the round hole in the extension.

Hope this helps.


"Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh"

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Offline kjtrains

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Re: extensions on the mags
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2011, 09:16:09 PM »
I just ordered couple of those mag extensions from yankee2500 (as well as the takedown tool) - before I get them, is there a good thread here about the best way to open up the magazines to attach these? I didn't want to damage the mags in any way if there's something about them I didn't know.

BTW, I posted a vid about my new Rohrbaugh on youtube - you can search Rohrbaugh pelahale to find it - not useful for the members here, but it was meant for those unfamiliar at all with the Rohrbaughs.  Feel free to tell me anything wrong/inaccurate I said on it; I'd appreciate the corrections.

pelahale.  That is one great video.  I have saved it to the favorites, so now it will be readily available.  Many thanks.
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Offline BytorJr

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Re: extensions on the mags
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2011, 01:51:07 AM »
I usually never put anything in all caps; but, here's the exception.  

WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've never had a mag spring shoot at me before, but if you end up struggling with it, it's inevitable that you MAY end up pointing the magazine at yourself, at which point (from personal experience) the spring will magically blow out of the magazine.

Fortunately, it missed my eye; but never again will I screw around with any magazine or highly loaded spring without safety goggles.

Offline birdman

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Re: extensions on the mags
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2011, 09:51:26 AM »
      After chasing down the cat and retrieving the spring a couple times (she likes flying objects!), I cut one end off a Q-tip and stuck it through one of the holes in the magazine. This prevents the spring from going anywhere. Beats hell out of chasing cats.      Gene

Offline pelahale

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Re: extensions on the mags
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2011, 10:37:03 AM »
Thanks for the replies - I'll be careful with the mag springs.  
After I did this vid I went and shot some more & while re-assembling, I accidently shot my bushing across the room.  I immediately placed my order with John (yankee2500) for a takedown tool.  I'm sure the lost bushing would be much more expensive.  I tried the channellock method & it was really clumsy.

Offline pelahale

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Re: extensions on the mags
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2011, 06:26:46 PM »
So John delivered extremely rapidly, and I got the extensions on easy as pie.  I kept the retainer plate in, just swapped out the floorplate (the bottom-most base) in exchange for the new mag extension.  

I noticed that the mag extension has a screw female hole on the magazine well-side of the piece - I assume this is there just because it was used to grab onto this piece while it was being machined?  

This gun feels fantastic with this extension in place.  I'm thinking this will make the grip much more secure as well as take some of the pain out of the thumb joint with the recoil - maybe it will let me shoot much more pain-free?  I'll have to see out it goes but I am very excited and love these extensions.  John (yankee2500) is the man!!

Offline park245

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Re: extensions on the mags
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2011, 11:27:10 AM »
Best advice I ever got when working on anything with a spring in it is to do it inside a strong plastic bag, like a Hefty
1 gallon freezer bag. (I'm still looking for a retainer cap in my family room...the result of my first attempt to re-assemble my R9s!)