Welcome back, Dave. (Shot any bad novels lately? )
[I suppose I should edit this post for the newcomers to the Forum. It's just that back in the early days, if Dave didn't like a novel, he was known to use it as a target for his R9 -- and post the photographs to show depth of penetration of various loads. ]
Yes I did shot a novel two weeks ago but used a S&W
Richard - for the fun of it I copied that old post below.
DaveStephen King's Book Bites The Bullet(s)Years ago I read Stephen King's huge book (put a dent in my chest it was so heavy), "IT". It had such a stupid ending I didn't read another of his books for years - until this week.
Well I decided to give him another chance and bought Stephen King's latest book "CELL".
I should have stopped half way through when the plot started getting too wierd. Should have stopped two-thirds of the way through when he killed off the best character. But no - I went to the end -
and once again a stupid ending.
Ten minutes after I finished it this morning I took it out into the woods with my Rohrbaugh R9 loaded with a magazine of six Speer 115 grain GDHPs. (Was going to use my Seecamp but decided it deserved a larger caliber.)
I then went back about 20 feet and put it out of it's misery - no failures to feed. Didn't want anyone else to go through the grief with this copy.
I will never read another Stephen King book!The pictures below where not taken were the shooting took placed so you don't see all of the pieces laying around.
Oh - the Rohrbaugh was carried out to the woods to do the deed in a RJ holster.
All rounds exited out the back
Book Autopsy Report
Two hard covers - 402 pages or 201 sheets of paper - thickness 1 1/2 inches.
Even after expanding to produce an 1 1/8 inches exit hole the slugs still bore into a dead tree trunk. I should of recovered one but didn't think about it. Don't feel like going back to the scene of the book execution in the forest this morning and having to do another tick check.
I would say that Speer 9mm 115 gr GDHP can do the job - that is if you're ever attacked by a book.
Book wound channel