Author Topic: Feeding the Pup Leftovers  (Read 5069 times)

Offline Writer_Ron

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Feeding the Pup Leftovers
« on: December 18, 2011, 01:32:13 PM »
So I'm at the range, where I begin the process of loading two mags for my R9. I open a new box of LE Gold-Dots (115 grains), when I remember how much they cost. Maybe I have some cheaper ammo I can "play with"?

I rummage through my range bag and find a flip-top plastic ammo box (100-round capacity) that I've labeled "Misc 9mm Luger." I look inside; there are 63 cartridges made by ten different companies in the U.S. (Remington, CCI, Federal, Hornady, and Winchester), Europe (S&B, Wolf/Tula, Fiocchi), and Latin America (Aguila, Magtech). They are all 115 FMJ rounds -- the leftover dribs and drabs of "cheap" 9mm ammo I've bought during the past several years to shoot through my eat-anything Springfield XD.

I figure ... why not?

I load five rounds into each magazine -- not even looking at the head stamps. I put brass cases next to aluminum cases -- next to steel cases.

Ten bangs! No FTLs. No FTEs.

I do the same thing five more times ... and finish off with the last three rounds in one mag.

The pup eats all the leftovers without complaint ... or any glitches. The only curious phenomena is that different cases seemed to eject in somewhat different directions.

I finish the session by shooting two mags of Gold-Dots, for "qualification" purposes. No glitches there, either.

I leave the range impressed and a bit bewildered. What has made my R9 (a supposedly picky eater) as omnivorous as a Glock?

I will say that I did a thorough job lubing my R9 the last time I cleaned it. Other than that, nothing has changed.


Offline Richard S

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Re: Feeding the Pup Leftovers
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2011, 01:50:05 PM »

It would appear that your R9 is what I call a "Mikey." So is mine, although its regular diet is now 124-grain Remington Golden Sabers.  8)
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Offline AmmoToad

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Re: Feeding the Pup Leftovers
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2011, 03:01:33 PM »
Mine has also never complained about any diet variation I've fed it.  Some I had to strike twice, but at least I could with the pup. 
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Offline Jack_F

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Re: Feeding the Pup Leftovers
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2011, 06:04:43 PM »
I have two R9S and have never had a problem. I have had 100+ round days with no problems except hand pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
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Offline yankee2500

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Re: Feeding the Pup Leftovers
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2011, 08:32:34 PM »
My faux Robar has fired all of the ten or eleven brands and weights with never an issue or second strike. ;D

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Offline Writer_Ron

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Re: Feeding the Pup Leftovers
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2011, 10:13:17 PM »
I have two R9S and have never had a problem. I have had 100+ round days with no problems except hand pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(

I fired 73 rounds. I wore a glove -- which I took off when I switched to a full-size .32 ACP automatic. At the time, I didn't really think about the R9's recoil -- although I was much less accurate than usual with the 32. I guess I had a tired hand, rather than a hurting hand.