Good pick up, I hadn't noticed that. The bulk Gold dot I found on other sights is nickled. What's with this stuff?? I was just going to run a bunch of this stuff through my new gun and then carry it. If a hundred rounds work fine, what do you guys think? Is this stuff close enough to regular Gold dot that I can count on Gold Dot's proven reliability in a Rohrbaugh. In the absence of being able to use this reliability info, I suspect that putting 100 rounds of a "new"ammo through my gun is insufficient to decide that its good enough for PD.
Should I cancel this order and get some nickeled bulk gold dot somewhere else?
I think their on line description at surplusammo .com is deceptive. Granted they show the picture, but according to the Speer website Gold dot is nickled and Speer does not talk about a non-nickled option. Is this then really Gold dot?