Author Topic: So close to an R9s - is it the right call?  (Read 4158 times)

Offline HenryTheNoodle

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So close to an R9s - is it the right call?
« on: August 23, 2009, 06:38:13 PM »
I'm open to feedback here, and appreciate the forum.

I already have several handguns but have been trying to figure out the best in a portable SD gun. I've used the PM9 and enjoy it, but don't think it's pocketable enough in shorts and light clothing. I've considered the LCP and Kahr P380 for pocket carry only, but then there's the debate on the .380 cartridge.

So I've been looking for the best of both worlds and of course am settling in on Rohrbaugh. At first I was going to go PM9 and a pocket .380, but by the time I add up the dollars...

Anyway, I'm really interested in hearing experiences of those that front pocket carry this little unit regularly and how it compares to a PM9 or pocket .380 you've also used.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 06:38:55 PM by HenryTheNoodle »

Offline Richard S

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Re: So close to an R9s - is it the right call?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2009, 07:07:22 PM »

You're making the right call.

I've been carrying a pocket pistol since the 1960s. I started out with a Walther PPK, then sometime around the 1980s changed to a Colt Mustang, and later in the late 1990s went to a NAA Guardian. These are all fine .380 ACP (9mm Kurz) pistols. But then came the Rohrbaugh R9, chambered for a full 9mm cartridge and redefining the envelope for pocket pistols.

Go for it! You will thank yourself for doing so.
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

Offline kjtrains

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Re: So close to an R9s - is it the right call?
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2009, 07:34:02 PM »
Welcome to the forum, Henry.  You will enjoy the experience of the R9 when you get it.
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Offline yankee2500

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Re: So close to an R9s - is it the right call?
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2009, 10:46:31 PM »
I went from a S&W 340PD to an LCP and now the R9s, it is by far the best pocket carry pistol you can have. It's small light and 9mm. I just purchased a Kahr PM40 but think it's a little big for full time pocket carry, but may try it once in a while.
 You will not regret getting the Rohrbaugh.
And welcome to the group.

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Offline slashsplat

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Re: So close to an R9s - is it the right call?
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2009, 01:40:05 AM »
I would not - personally - carry a .380.  Just not enough bullet.
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Offline Reinz

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Re: So close to an R9s - is it the right call?
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2009, 03:24:27 AM »

You're making the right call.

I've been carrying a pocket pistol since the 1960s. I started out with a Walther PPK, then sometime around the 1980s changed to a Colt Mustang, and later in the late 1990s went to a NAA Guardian. These are all fine .380 ACP (9mm Kurz) pistols. But then came the Rohrbaugh R9, chambered for a full 9mm cartridge and redefining the envelope for pocket pistols.

Go for it! You will thank yourself for doing so.

Welcome to the forum!

Secondly,  Richard said it all, can't add a thing, but ditto.


Offline HenryTheNoodle

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Re: So close to an R9s - is it the right call?
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2009, 01:18:54 PM »
Hah, thanks for the feedback guys.