Went to a pistol class yesterday where we shot indoors at a target at 15 ft. Of course I was the only one with a Rohrbaugh R9s. In the beginning, the instructor called me the guy with the foreign gun. When I told him New York, he said "that's foreign."
Anyway, we shot a total of 81 rounds into a paper plate. I only had 2 rounds that were outside a 3" radius, with 10 of them being fired one-handed and 10 being one-handed weakside.
They ran out of superlatives. They couldn't believe a "little" gun could be that accurate, and one guy said my groupings were like I was shooting a 6" 45.
Even though they repeatedly said the R9 could only be a second carry for them, they became believers in the R9's performance at the end of the day.
By the way, I was using American Eagle 115 and only had one failure to eject (it was the fourth to the last shot weakside and I was told I limped it).