Author Topic: Sportsman's Guide ammo disappointment  (Read 3271 times)

Offline markwillecho

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Sportsman's Guide ammo disappointment
« on: December 03, 2008, 03:46:24 PM »
I just wanted to warn folks that some Speer Gold Dot 9mm ammo that I bought recently from arrived in a bulk pack, labeled by Speer as "NOT FOR LE USE" and "PRACTICE AMMUNITION".  The seller's website did not indicate that the ammo was anything other than first-quality ammo, describing it as "the right choice for home defense and personal protection".  Speer's customer service informed me that the ammo is not first quality by their standards, that it was loaded with the mouth sealant wet which might lead to possible misfires, and that it is not recommended for personal protection.  I called "customer service", and was told twice that the ammo "would kill people", and that I could either take a $10 coupon from them or return the ammo for a refund (UPS shipping at their expense).  I'm going to return the ammo, as it cost about twice the going rate for practice ammo!   MARK

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Re: Sportsman's Guide ammo disappointment
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2008, 04:56:03 PM »
Very disappointing to hear that.

Offline markwillecho

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Re: Sportsman's Guide ammo disappointment
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2008, 05:06:49 PM »
I guess the price--about 50 cents per round--was OK for Gold Dot 124gr, if you wanted to practice with this stuff and then carry first-quality rounds.  But I really objected to the fact that the seller did not flag the ammo as "practice ammo" or even bulk-packed, let alone substandard quality.  And they didn't seem too interested in retaining my customer goodwill.  Anyway, they seem to be sold out of the stuff for the time being.

Speer's customer service, on the other hand, was very prompt, candid, and informative.  MARK

Offline Slick

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Re: Sportsman's Guide ammo disappointment
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2008, 06:32:59 PM »
I agree not correctly identifying the ammo was not a proper way to go about selling it.  I looked at that deal and was going to jump on it myself.