Start rather long intro <
In another thread (original or stealth, what's your favorite) we got off-topic and started discussing how people organize their pockets to accommodate CCW.
I am starting this as a
new thread because:
1) It is where I could use some help right now
2) The group seems intested in the topic
3) We were getting way off-topic for riffraff's very legitimate question on original vs. stealth R9
> End rather long intro
OK, I am new to the world of CCW. I have carried a set number of articles in my four basic pockets for decades. As I move forward in my CCW pursuit, I am committed to safe rapid access to a semi-auto hand gun in my strong side front pocket (to be very open with you, it is a Ruger LCP .380 for now, but I am saving for a R9s two tone). It is logical to me that safe rapid access is best achieved (or perhaps
only achieved) by putting nothing in that pocket but a pocket holser and the weapon.
The problem... how to manage all of the other articles in the remaining three pockets.
Do you guys carry the following "basics" on a daily basis?
1- Pocket knife
2- Keys
3- Pen
4- Cell phone
5- Change
6- Comb (OK, I could shave the head, but one life change at a time
7- Wallet (bills, credit cards, membership card, photos of those I am protecting)
8- Spare magazine (perhaps optional)
Am I a walking hardware store, or is this normal?
OK, aside from your strong side front pocket, what do
you guys carry?
Where do you carry it? Are you reasonably comfortable?