A Gathering Place for Rohrbaugh Firearms Enthusiasts
Just back from the range. WHAT A HOOT!!! Put 50 holes in three targets at seven yards. Shot 60 rounds total. 19 holes inside the solid orange ring. Used 115gr Gold Dots for the first six shots, the rest were 115gr WWB. The R9 worked perfectly.Thought about a shooting glove but decided that my hands were just going to have to learn to do this on their own. After getting over the shock of the gun going off in my hands and realizing that the gun was not going to jump out of my hands I was pleased to note that the recoil didn't bother me at all. I kept remembering your admonitions to keep a good grip, and that kept me from getting too relaxed. The only thing that hurt were the tips of my thumbs from getting the sixth bullet into the magazine. There was a guy about six stalls down shooting what I thought sounded like a cannon. The first shot with the R9 I realized that I was shooting a cannon too as my shots were just as loud as his. Thank God for hearing protection! I want to thank each of you again for the warm welcomes, and for the great advice.Rick