Author Topic: Anyone having issue with magazine falling out?  (Read 3249 times)

Offline Datan

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Anyone having issue with magazine falling out?
« on: December 07, 2007, 04:59:29 PM »
Hi all - it has been a long time since I've posted..  

I searched for this topic but didn't see anything, so I'll post and apologize if it has been discussed and I missed it.

I recently started having an issue with my R9s.  When I fire it, the magazine pops out.  This happens about 50% of the time.  I ruled out the most obvious cause of my finger hitting the release, so that is not it.  Anyone experience this?  I am going to send the gun back to Rohrbaugh with all my magazines and have them look at it, but I was interested to know if this was unique or not so uncommon (maybe with the older guns).

History of my R9s -> The gun is one of the earliest and has since had an upgraded guide rod, had the rear portion of the barrel beveled, hardened slide pin, newer grip screws, and more recently, has had the newer recoil spring and new magazine springs.  If anyone is interested, I have pics posted under various posts of old - one can search on my user ID.

The gun runs very well since I have installed the new mag springs and recoil spring (no FTF/FTE), except now the mag is dropping out of the bottom.  Perhaps the spring that holds the mag release in place is wearing out..  don't know.

I look forward to anyones comments /thoughts.
Kind Regards,

Offline ryone

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Re: Anyone having issue with magazine falling out?
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2007, 06:13:57 PM »
I had the same problem first time out with my R9s. It seemed to happen with Hydrashocks and some cheaper fmj stuff and not with WStips, but that just might be a coincidence. I haven't had a chance to try it since. Would like to know if different ammo might cause this. Mine is a newer release with the updates. Any thoughts on why this would happen would be appreciated. Over all very pleased with the accuracy and didn't think the recoil was all that bad.