Author Topic: Problems with new R9 Stealth  (Read 4093 times)


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Problems with new R9 Stealth
« on: November 19, 2007, 06:00:02 PM »
Well drove 40 miles to the range today to test out the new gun for a second time. Must say not real happy. For a $1000 gun I certainly expected more. >:( The magazines keep unlocking and dropping down. I made sure they were clipped in correctly and even held my pinkie out of the way to make sure it was not hitting the mag release. I focused on just watching the bottom of the gun and not the target. Fire a round or two and there it goes. I tried different ammo and the same results. I tried some Mag Tech FMC which runs through all my other 9mm's and it would not feed at all. Jammed on the feed ramp. Tried some WWB and a few fired but then the magazines fell down again. I gave up and shot several other guns.

I called and spoke to Maria who said should would check with someone and call me back.

Do they have a e mail address? I sure would rather write then call,

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Re: Problems with new R9 Stealth
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2007, 11:08:53 PM »
OCD - So sorry to hear about the problems. I don't think they have email capabilities, at least to my knowledge, which IS limited on these guns and the company. Mine works well and I'm happy with it. But it does require a lot of TLC to stay dependable! I hope you have better luck at dialogue than I have. On two occasions I have made less than glowing remarks about something I considered an inequity about these guns and sort of got the silent treatment, VERY little response from the forum members,if any, and my questons weren't answered. I am in total agreement that when you pay that much for a gun, it ought to work WELL. USUALLY Maria is very good at helping so hang on and she will probably come through.  Good luck......

Offline shakermountain

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Re: Problems with new R9 Stealth
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2007, 03:12:44 AM »
OCD That's disturbing. I've so far shot around 150 rds of WWB thru mine and not a single hiccup, except that the mag dropped down after a couple of rds at one point, but only once, and I may have not made sure it was all the way home.
I wonder if the maglock spring on yours is weak or faulty.... I've heard of this trouble in some other posts. you might need to send it in for a new one. RE ammo: the WWB shot as fast as I could load the mags. I'm sticking with it. Cheap, reliable and potent. Please keep me (us) posted here on what Maria tells you.

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Re: Problems with new R9 Stealth
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2007, 07:45:52 AM »

You've probably reviewed the material at the following link, but if not it might be helpful:

Good luck in diagnosing and resolving the problem. It's one I've not experienced with my own R9, but I'm confident that the factory will be able to diagnose it.
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"


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Re: Problems with new R9 Stealth
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2007, 12:50:03 PM »
Thank you all for your replies. Yes I was sure the mag was locked in place.
I received a return phone call this morning from Mr Carl Rohrbaugh himself. He stated he would personally check the gun out.  :) So that is a good.
Of course I have to box it up and pay to ship it back but I guess that's the way it goes.
I do appreciate him calling personally.

Will post on the final results.

Happy Holidays to all, I am off to fly up North for a week.

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Re: Problems with new R9 Stealth
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2007, 07:41:30 PM »

Hang in there I would like to think that due to the holidays you have not had a quicker response. Like wise for a 1 grand gun you would expect a lot more.

What I can say is once you get the bugs out it is a fantastic pocket gun that now I would bet my life on. I couldn't say that when I first bought mine about 1 year ago.

I also have a R9S Stealth and it has been back to Deer Park twice. The first time the slide locked up on me when I ran about 50 rounds through it rather fast. It got hot and locked up. The second time back within a month of its first return it had light primer hits and misfires. The second trigger press and it would go off. This only occured after running about 20 or 30 rounds through and the pup getting hot.  It was all corrected after the 2nd trip back.

I now carry WW 115gr silver tips in it and when ever I go to the range I pull the pup out and shoot it right from the pocket with the whats been in it and run the 2 mags of silver tips through it and it has never failed me. If it ever fails on these first 2 mags I will get rid of it.

Hang in there, you should hear from Karl and I am sure the problem will be corrected.

Good luck


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Re: Problems with new R9 Stealth
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2007, 06:09:54 PM »
The Bros R will take care of the problem..

Someone awhile back had a similiar problem..I just cannot remember what the outcome was-sorry..

I know that I would not want to send my carry pup away,so I understand your dissappointment..

Let us know what Karl has to say-he is a great guy to talk to on the phone!!

At the moment I am feeding GD 115s to my pup..Loves it!! ;)
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