Author Topic: A couple more comp pics  (Read 3274 times)

Offline PlayboyPenguin

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A couple more comp pics
« on: July 29, 2007, 03:00:18 PM »
Whenever a really small gun is available everyone wants to see how it compares size wise to their small guns. I always get asked to do pics comparing it to several other models. Here are a couple more pics to show relative size compared to a couple other models I have been asked about on other boards. I know everyone here already knows how small this gun is but in case there are any lurkers still on the fence about buying one seeing the comparisons can be a help.

The first is comparing it to the Kahr MK40. The length and height differences ar not to great but the R9s is a bit thinner. The real big difference is weight. The Kahr really does feel a bit brick-ish next to the Rohrbaugh. The Kahr does shoot a bigger round though...the .40S&W if you think the caliber difference is worth the size difference. I personallythink the 9mm is plenty powerful.

The second one compares it to the Walther PPK. Very similar size guns but the PPK is heavier and well as shooting the much less powerful .380acp round.

The third compares it to the ParaOrd SlimHawg (probably the smallest .45acp 1911 in production). No real contest there size or weight wise. The SlimHawg is a bigger caliber and a SA though...but like I said before, I think the 9mm is powerful enough for me.

The fourth compares it to the standard S&W J-frame. I mainly do this because everyone is familiar with the size of a j-frame so it is a good reference point.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2007, 03:16:46 PM by PlayboyPenguin »
"Laugh all you want, but when the zombies come we both know whose house you will be running to for protection."
[SIZE="1"]- My response to friends that laugh at me for collecting guns[/SIZE]

Offline Hk-Itch

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Re: A couple more comp pics
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2007, 05:44:06 PM »
Very interesting comparison PP.  I had a PM9 before I got the R9 and noticed the difference in the overall perception of compactness of the Rohrbaugh over the Kahr.  The Kahr was easier to shoot but not as easy to pocket carry for me.  And overall design and execution put the R9 way ahead of the PM9.  I also picked up a used S&W 640 in 357 and although the gun is heavier and larger than the R9, I still like to pack it in a large pair of cargo shorts.  Great pic.s