Author Topic: The new lube manual & FAQ update  (Read 5087 times)

Offline R9SCarry

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The new lube manual & FAQ update
« on: October 28, 2006, 04:11:01 PM »
Guys, I had meant to mention an update on the FAQ site .

I recently received the latest disassembly/lube manual from Eric which he included when sending back my #1 pup, that had had a severe jammed top-right screw problem.  Karl, bless him - managed to deal with it and new screws now are the harder material.

Anyways - I remembered that the FAQ was well out of date re the lube aspect and so scanned that so as to put those new images up - they can be found HERE

Those folks with older guns who may not see this in hard copy, do go check it out so as to be up to speed.

I have actually left the ''old'' method details in place as a sort of historic ref' but placed notices wherever it seemed relevant to point people at the new lube info page.  The lube areas of course are the same - just the lubricant choice that has changed.  Do let me know if this is not plain enough.

The vid and PDF material will have to stay ''as is'' for now as I doubt I have time to redo it just for change in lube choice yet.

I also started a new page called ''Jottings" - somewhere purely to place small snippets of news or comment - and if anyone has anything they think useful to add to that do let me know.  Time passes so quick I sometimes forget I need to keep things up to date.

I'll add to it as and when I get more scraps of news/comment.
Chris - R9S
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Re: The new lube manual & FAQ update
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2006, 05:31:03 PM »
Thanks for all the work you put into this update-it is appreciated.. :)

So the "new" lube instructions have to do with the "older" spec guns,along woth the newer tolerance pups? Same-same,no matter the "generation"..

I can understand getting away from the amount of grease used,although I have slathered mine up before with no apparent problems,but now they do not even state the type of oil (unless it is in another part of paperwork with the new guns)..

And I guess that if they recommend that the recoil spring be replaced every 100 rounds,they might be looking for a new supplier!! The way some of our pup owners are,they will have to replace every range session!! ;D

From reports,it appears that some of the break in problems have to do with the replacing of said spring..

I know that the pup is a work (of art) in progress,and that changes are necessary,but I am inclined to continue to do what works for me!! ;)

Also-what about some of the guys (I would dare to say a LOT) that do not have this fine board to get answers/solutions?? I do know there has to be some out there that do not have the internet!! :D

Thanks again,for the info!!

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Molon Labe

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Re: The new lube manual & FAQ update
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2006, 05:49:17 PM »

I am taking the latest lube recommendations as being for all guns - in fact IMO it is the ''tighter'' earlier ones that I feel most need oil rather than grease.  You may recall my few ''rebelious'' posts LOL - where I owned up to having ceased grease on slide/frame.

Choice of oil can I think safely be left pretty broad as these days there are so many basically good options.  I still come down myself on the side of Militec 1 and Mobil 1 - and reserving my options to still use some form of grease on the high stress areas such as barrel lub slot etc.

It is possible to overlube the gun - like any - my slathering on gallons of lube - but IMO we cannot overdo the minimalist lube - maintaining a good lube film at all times.  Just enough - and often.

To be dead honest - apart from any further tests I may do - my days of large ammo thruput are done.  With no disrespect at all to the dear pup - I do not actually ''enjoy'' shooting it - well, not like most of my other guns.  It is strictly for me a highly concealable 9mm platform - just for ''that one time'' should we face it.

The odd one or two mags now and again will suffice for me - a ''re-aquainting'' and reliability workout - short and sweet.
Chris - R9S
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Offline Brenden

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Re: The new lube manual & FAQ update
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2006, 05:55:51 PM »
I understand the shooting of the pup,round wise..

I, at the most,shoot 4-5 mags and that is enough to let me know things are OK.. 8)

I ran my pocket carry with just oil for one series of cleaning.with no problems,but I have no problems with using the grease either!! ;D

Take care,
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Molon Labe

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Re: The new lube manual & FAQ update
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2006, 08:12:47 PM »
So the "new" lube instructions have to do with the "older" spec guns,along woth the newer tolerance pups? Same-same,no matter the "generation"..

I must of missed it - what is the story on the newer tolerance
R9 and when did it start?
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Offline R9SCarry

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Re: The new lube manual & FAQ update
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2006, 08:33:01 PM »
Dave - not sure of time frame actually - it was something Eric happened to mention.  I am assuming it is relatively recent.  I'd guess it may well reduce break-in time.  It is a small change tho - not even a full thou each side.

Over time the Bros R are always trying to further refine things.
Chris - R9S
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Re: The new lube manual & FAQ update
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2006, 08:38:25 PM »
I am sticking with grease.  No matter what oil I have ever used it eventually migrated to somewhere else.  I use grease on the slides of all my pistols.  I use oil in the places that you can't place grease.  Put a little oil in the area and then if needed use a can of compressed air to blow a little bit to insure the oil gets into all crannies and then wipe off the excess.

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Re: The new lube manual & FAQ update
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2006, 09:19:18 PM »
Nice job R9SCarry!!