Author Topic: Stealth Range Report - Mixed Results  (Read 4779 times)

Offline sebis

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Stealth Range Report - Mixed Results
« on: September 23, 2006, 03:16:34 PM »
I got my Stealth couple of days ago, took it to the range today. Here are the ammo results in order of which they were fired:

6 Speer Gold Dot 115 gr.
6 Remington Gold Saber 124 gr.
6 Remington UMC 115 gr.
2 Speer Golf Dot 124 gr. - FTF 2 times
12 Speer Gold Dot 115 gr.

After the second FTF on Gold Dot 124 gr., I ejected the magazine and went back to Gold Dot 115 gr. and shot two more magazines without a hiccup. I am a little disappointed by Gold Dot 124 gr, didn't work whatsoever. I do want to point out that it wasn't my grip, even the first round when I racked the slide had FTF and had to force it in.

In conclusion, I have mixed feelings about the little gun, not ready to trust my life on it yet. Next week I'll take another box of Speer Gold Dot 115 to the range and if it feeds without problems I'll make it the carry ammo.

On a different note, I was surprised by the recoil. I recognize I am a beginner but I have close to one thousand rounds since I started with handguns in April. The smallest gun I shot before is my P2000SK which compared to the R9S has barely any recoil in 9 mm. I did manage to get acceptable accuracy results at 3 and 7 yards but couple of times I shot the target hanger due to recoil and loosing the grip on the follow-up shot. I need more practice with this little gun, I am confident I can hit the torso with my P2000SK at 15 yards but with the R9S I am afraid I'll miss at 3 yards under stress.

I am so NOT looking forward to cleaning it for the first time :), your comments are greatly appreciated.


Offline jarcher

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Re: Stealth Range Report - Mixed Results
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2006, 04:14:40 PM »
I have the same issue with accuracy. I need more practice.  Cleaning is not has hard as it looks.  For a new R9 you'll probably want a wrench to compress the spring.  

My first time, I had my laptop sitting next to me with the pics from this forum.  Well, the spring slipped off the wrench and launched the assembly into the screen.  I was sur enot pleased.  So, be careful where you point the spring!

Offline Brenden

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Re: Stealth Range Report - Mixed Results
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2006, 04:57:31 PM »
Welcome to the forum..

It is EARLY to tell for sure,but maybe stocking up on the GD 115s may be the thing to do!! ;)

In my pups,I have only have shot 115s,I either carry GDHP,or STHP 115s..I am not adverse in using WWB 115s either for practice..

I do not shoot many more than 6 mags or so at a sitting,and I try to clean and lube every Hundred rounds or so..
Yea,50 rounds is the mark to clean-I know-but my carry pup doesn't seem to care!! ;D
Try the Win STHP 115s if you get a chance-if she feeds the GDs,she will eat the SilverTips too..

Check out Chris's great site for a LOT of info on takedown..

Once again welcome,and good luck with the Stealth..

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Molon Labe

Offline sebis

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Re: Stealth Range Report - Mixed Results
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2006, 02:59:57 PM »
Thank you for your welcome message! I cleaned and lubricated the R9S last night, but I used Militec-1 oil instead of grease. Hoppe's 9 oil for trigger, firing pin and other areas. I even added some thin oil on top of the Militec application and cycled and dry fired several times.

I am not sure if I did a good job so I plan to take down the gun in couple of days and check the lubrication.

Offline sebis

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Re: Stealth Range Report - Mixed Results
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2006, 04:22:36 PM »
Thank you for your welcome message! I cleaned and lubricated the R9S last night, but I used Militec-1 oil instead of grease. Hoppe's 9 oil for trigger, firing pin and other areas. I even added some thin oil on top of the Militec application and cycled and dry fired several times.

I am not sure if I did a good job so I plan to take down the gun in couple of days and check the lubrication.

Following up on my second range trip. I took the Speer GD 115 gr and Remington UMC MC 115 gr with me. Unfortunately I dropped too much oil in top of the Militech and it went all down on my hands after the first magazine of GD. Since I could not hold the grip anymore I failed to go into battery on the second magazine of GD so I considered is better to stop shooting the R9 and switch guns.

Lessons learned: next time I will apply only two or tree drops of oil in the recommended places, Militech on the slides and Super Lube anywhere else needed.

I was surprised tough how well I shot the little gun with the first magazine, much better then the last time.

On a separate note, I tried some Remington UMC and it fail to ignite every other round. Not sure if it was still my grip, too much oil or just bad ammo. The same rounds ignited in the HK P2000SK at the first strike and I had no problem with the rest of the box when shooting the HK.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2006, 04:36:05 PM by sebis »

Offline Brenden

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Re: Stealth Range Report - Mixed Results
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2006, 04:28:36 PM »
Remington UMC has been noted for their "difficult" primer ignition.. ;)
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Molon Labe

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Re: Stealth Range Report - Mixed Results
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2006, 11:11:28 PM »
Keep us informed.  I have two r9s and am still trying to figure out the newest one above the 1300 numbers.