Author Topic: Still Shopping for Ammo.  (Read 4288 times)

Offline Thunderbolt

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Still Shopping for Ammo.
« on: April 05, 2006, 03:28:05 PM »
Thunderbolt here again,

Thanks again for all of the warm welcomes.

I went to a local gun show this past weekend to try and find a better selection of 9mm. SD loads than the several stores here have (a bust) only found 135gr. Federal Personal Defense Hydra-Shock and a lot of +P stuff. I bought one box of the 135's and tried them out Sunday at the range .......... No Bueno!, they want to go straight forward into the feed ramp.    Right now, my best load is the WW white box 115gr. fmj, only 2 FTF's out of 50 rds. I've ordered some Gold Dots online; we'll see what they can do.

I notice in the photos of DDGator's tour of the Rohrbaugh shop (excellent story by the way), Eric is using Magtech in the test firing of a new R9. I also notice that very little has been mentioned about any members using Magtech. They have a couple of rounds that look interesting; one in particular, is their "First Defense Ammo" solid copper hollow point 115 gr. (not +P) The SCHP can be seen here:
The Magtech 115gr. or 124gr. FMJHP looks pretty decent also.

Now for the big question, Does or has anybody tried the solid copper hollow point rounds in their R9?????

I have a lot of faith in my little R9; I know I just have to keep trying for the "perfect" round. My Kimber Ultra .45 and Para Stealth Carry .45 both will digest anything you throw at them but they did require a little break-in.

Good Shooting,
"Since you have chosen to elect a man with a timber toe to succeed me, you may all go to hell and I will go to Texas."   Hon. Davey Crockett

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: Still Shopping for Ammo.
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2006, 05:38:47 PM »
Hi Thunderbolt.

No as yet I have not tried the solid coppers - tho hope to do so when I find some.  Because my 124 GD's have been so good I have not felt a need to change, added to which I found their expansion characteristics so good.  I run std P thru the pup and +P in my 226 SIG.

On you should be able to find some tests Steven Camp did on some EJMJ's - thru a BHP probably.  Very interesting sight that with many ammo types evaluated.

I have never used Magtech ammo in 9mm - only .44 mag.
Chris - R9S
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Offline PsychoSword

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Re: Still Shopping for Ammo.
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2006, 01:13:58 AM »
Do they sell the Gold Dots "for short barrels" in non +P flavor? I forgot.

Offline Thunderbolt

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Re: Still Shopping for Ammo.
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2006, 08:34:45 PM »

I just looked on the Speer website and the only 9mm. "short barrel" that I saw listed is +P.  :-/

"Since you have chosen to elect a man with a timber toe to succeed me, you may all go to hell and I will go to Texas."   Hon. Davey Crockett

Offline sslater

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Re: Still Shopping for Ammo.
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2006, 11:31:03 PM »
I tried a box of Federal Premium S.D. Hydra-Shok yesterday in my R9S.  Function was okay but there was a tremendous amount of muzzle flash compared to Speer's GDHP.  (I also noticed when cleaning that the Federal ammo made the gun very dirty.)  To me, excessive muzzle flash and dirty powder residue is unacceptable in premium ammo.  At least I know the Federal stuff will work in a pinch.

Since most of the gun shops in my area stock GDHP, i'm going to stick with them.
Haven't seen any Magtech solid copper stuff yet, but I'll try a box if I can find 'em.  

Offline Calvin Cooledge

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Big Bang for the Buck...Was...Shopping for Ammo.
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2006, 05:34:08 PM »
Thunderbolt here again,

I notice in the photos of DDGator's tour of the Rohrbaugh shop (excellent story by the way), Eric is using Magtech in the test firing of a new R9. I also notice that very little has been mentioned about any members using Magtech. They have a couple of rounds that look interesting; one in particular, is their "First Defense Ammo" solid copper hollow point 115 gr. (not +P) The SCHP can be seen here:
The Magtech 115gr. or 124gr. FMJHP looks pretty decent also.

Now for the big question, Does or has anybody tried the solid copper hollow point rounds in their R9?????

Hello Thunderbolt! Welcome to the forum. The Supro Thunderbolt is a killer vintage amplifier for killer guitar riffs. (Listen to Led Zeppelin!) I hope you got your name from that bad amp, but if not, no big deal;^)

I have only great things to say about the MagTech ammo I put through my R9. I had zero feed issues, it went bang, and it went straight. I can't vouch for the penetration factor, but it did go through my paper bullseye just fine;^) And did I mention straight?

The only thing I didn't like was it was (and is), as someone here so aptly put it: "Spendy". At $3 bucks a plug, I can't justify it. Not that my crooks aren't worth spending that much on. I just buy the Speer GDHP 115gr. in bulk, and shoot away. It's cheap, accurate, reliable and 1000 rounds should last me a lifetime!

Hayword N. Edgewise
"I'm spreading my loyalty around..." - Calvin Cooledge