I finally got to the range today and had something strange happen to my R9S (July 2005 build).
Removed my mag full of 124 gr. Gold Dots including the round in the tube. Put in a different mag with Winchester FMJ practice stuff. Fired all six rounds without incident. Dropped the empty magazine out, slapped in another full mag, went to rack the slide and......
THE SLIDE WOULDN'T BUDGE!Switched hands and tried again. No luck. Removed mag, made sure no round was in the chamber, tried pushing down on barrel hood. Still no luck.
So I put the R9S away after only 6 rounds fired and shot up a couple hundred rounds of .22 + 40 rounds from my old Star Firestar M40 (.40 S&W).
At home I put the slide in my vise, gave the grip a good shove & the gun finally came out of battery. I stripped the slide off, checked for burrs or signs of distress and came up empty. It looks the same as it has for the last 200 rounds.
I looked through some of the older threads like "Gloom, Despair, etc." but that was more of an infant mortality issue.
Has any one had a similar experience? My gun has about 360 rounds total. Guess I'll have to call Rohrbaugh tomorrow, but now it is cycling smooth as can be....