hello to all!!! Just bought a r9s. Great gun. I took me overnight to make the decison to buy it becuase i was going to be buying another gun that same day. Well i got both and am glad i did. took it to the range and everyone was giving the finger treatment. luckly the guys at the range have expensive taste as i do so that didn't give me that "a glock can do that better" treatment. well i go down range to shoot it for the first time and everyone is watching as a shoot my thousand dollar pocket pistol. Well first shot went off then nothing. started to get me worried, but i changed ammo and then it went off without a hitch. started looking at the ammo i used the first round and remembered that i had ment to throw that lot away because it had gotten wet. just wanted to let you all know that in my opinion (& we know what those are all about) this is a great gun and worth the money. what i mean is there are several guys at the range who have a lot of money in their 1911's as well as i, but when it comes to a pistol they are going carry everywhere they go cheapskate. I don't get it, but then i guess that's why i went with the best.