If my gun is clean, it works perfectly. Provided that it's gripped properly - something of a concern with this not-for-beginners pistol.
I know what you're saying, because I've worried about it, too (that sort of OCD can drive you nuts!). I feel confident that the gun will work 100% (if I hold it properly) with those first rounds because I've seen that they work, again and again after cleanings.
My gun had 550 rounds through it (though it recently had to go back because it was one of 4 - of about 1k pistols sold - that have developed slide cracks), so I have a decent number of cleanings/perfect-firings-thereafter to back up my observations.
The advantage your 340 has compared to the R9s, of course, is that it IS probably more reliable, just because it will fire again and again no matter how you grip it. The disadvantages are that it only holds 5 rounds and that it's somewhat more bulky and thus more difficult to conceal.
Frankly, I don't think I'll every give up my small revolvers, but I find I carry the R9s a whole lot in the summer and when I'm dressed in court clothes.