Author Topic: Any Defensive Ammo that Shoots to Point of Aim?  (Read 8840 times)

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: Any Defensive Ammo that Shoots to Point of Aim
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2005, 09:53:25 PM »
Tyler - didn't mean to burst your bubble ;D

I tried to be as objective as poss' with tests but of course - they were not overly scientific andf daresay - others might even get different results too.

That said - I do agree reliability is paramount - and I sure would not wish to be in the way of any ''train'' exiting the R9 tunnel  :o ;)
Chris - R9S
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Offline MountainMan

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Re: Any Defensive Ammo that Shoots to Point of Aim
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2005, 10:06:17 PM »
What is interesting to note is that Winchester sometime in the recent past changed the silvertip.  Seecamp stopped recommending them after over 25 years of being the only recommend ammo.  The reason being that seecamps started jamming.  Larry Seecamp figured it was because of two reasons.  

First on the new silvertips (shinny bullet noses with expansion grooves around the top) the bullet was harder.  Second was in the 32 caliber after the first shot some of the remainder shells in the mag had the bullets receding into the case a tiny bit.  This may have been to crimping problems.

It seems that they are working well in the R9 - maybe if there is a slight case receding in 9mm  it is a good thing with the R9.

Question Chris - did your expansion test use the newer silvertips (shinny nose with expansion grooves) - or the original (dull silver and no expanion grooves)?

Once again Chris - thanks for the testing.

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Offline Brenden

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Re: Any Defensive Ammo that Shoots to Point of Aim
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2005, 11:28:45 PM »
The WSTs have been a fine feeder in my pups!!
The ones that I have shot, have the expansion grooves..

The 115 GDs are a good for me likewise and I know have better terminal ballistics..

I too would not want to be at the receiving end of either!! :o

I will admit,my accuracy test is not as refined as others with the pup..

I shoot at various paper targets,but my favorite is a paper plate at 7-10 yards-off hand.. ;)

I feel that if I can lay all my shots in that 8 inches-I feel pretty good.. :)

I have not as yet,layed the pup on a sand bag to see what it can do, but will do that some time for fun too..

I do know that I feel confident enough that I can hit what I shoot at-makes me feel good.. 8)

MountainMan,concerning the .32 Silvertips..I went to the GDs for the Seecamp and they shot well.."saving" my "old" ST stock for the time being!! ;)

Thanks again all for all of the information!!

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