Author Topic: 2ND Range Trip  (Read 4325 times)

Offline geminidan

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2ND Range Trip
« on: January 30, 2005, 07:30:06 PM »
Went too the range today too shoot a few more rounds into this little pocket rocket!!! out of 70 rounds I had three that needed to be fired twice, probably ammo problems!!! gun groups great at 15ft,,,,,,,,,,,all I really need, but when I got it home to break down and clean, I took the gun apart and noticed at about 175 rounds the recoil spring was about a 1/4 of an inch smaller then the back- up one??? Should this happen already??? Also the rails on the frame are all turning silver wear the anodizing seems to have been rubbed off???  , so now I need to get another spring??If anyone can give me insight on this problem , please do so, I will probably call Eric tomorrow and ask him!!!Also anyone have Grahams holsters address, I have a black in the pocket made out of "elephant" and could use a mag holder in black!! this little wonder 9........

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: 2ND Range Trip
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2005, 07:38:50 PM »
Dan .... do not fret re the spring shortening.  It will! I am sure Eric will confirm this.

The new spring once installed will gradually take a ''set'' and this is enhanced thru useage.  However, The R Bros have determined that providing the spring is replaced at the 500 round mark, you should experience no probs.  Chances are anyways - this is a precautionary action for most part, so as to ensure maintained reliable and top performance.  I would not be surprised if one spring could not do double this at least.

Slide rails on frame - again, I would expect this ... tho do make sure your lubing is adequate as lack of lube would accelerate this.  I have checked mine ... and tho my #2 R9 has had barely 100 rounds thru it - it does show some loss of anodizing... at least, a partial change in appearance.  Again I expect Eric would also call this acceptable.
Chris - R9S
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Offline geminidan

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Re: 2ND Range Trip
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2005, 07:49:25 PM »
For my own safety I replaced the spring!!! Will order another far as the rails......I have the gun lubed up pretty good with "MILTEC1"........I spoke to the manufacturer and they advised me too put it on gun very wet and use a blower  to heat it up to bond, when I broke the gun down yesterday,,,,,,,it seemed pretty lubed from the last time..still have not used the SuperLube yet,,,,bought plenty of it but the miltec seems to be working,,,,,,,,,Did not want to use the grease yet!! I know Eric frowns on this but , "Grease" attracts lot's of dust and lint, and in Florida between the sweat and humidity,,,,,,,,I m sticking with the miltec........till I see if there is a me nuts!!! Also I keep magsafe in it as my defensive round.......2000 fps lower recoil.........Danny