Gun Tests used to be a great publication, but the number of mistakes I have seen lately really causes me to question whether it is worth paying the rather expensive subscription price.
In a recent issue, they criticized a Kimber pistol as not having a sufficiently raised pad on the back of the grip safety to ensure that it is depressed when the thumb rides the grip safety. I have put many thousand rounds through the Kimber that is presently on my right hip, most using this hold, and can assure you that it does in fact have a raised pad on the grip safety. However, rather than having a distinctive bump at the end of the safety, the bump blends in with the rest of the safety, and forms a smooth curve all the way up to the tang. It sticks out of the grip frame just as much as any grip safety with a distinctive bump. In fact, future 1911's I may purchase having the "bump" will probably have the grip safety replaced with one like Kimber now uses.