In case anyone notes my increased post count this week, the Tennessee Public Defender attorneys are away at their annual conference, "Her Honor's" court is in recess, and we are therefore at Critter Creek where I am busily engaged in working on a "Honey-Do List" as long as my arm. Anyway, over on the Classified section of the Forum one of the threads has drifted into a discussion of handgun designers of note. Having just watched one of the "Top Ten" episodes on the Military Channel (that one on CQB weapons), I got to thinking about a list of the top ten designers of handguns. After some thought, here is my list, presented not from 10 to 1 (as the Military Channel does for suspense purposes) but 1 to 10 -- i.e., starting with my view of the most significant of the list:
1. John Moses Browning -- for the M1911 and Browning Hi-Power P-35;
2. Samual Colt -- for the Colt .45 caliber "Peacemaker";
3. Karl Rohrbaugh -- for the Rohrbaugh R9 and the K380;
4. Ludwig (Louis) Wilhelm Seecamp -- for the LWS .25 and the LWS .32.
5. Helmut Weldle -- for the Hechler & Koch P7;
6. Georg J. Luger -- for the Pistole Parabellum 1908;
7. Bernard C. White -- for the Magnum Research/IMI Desert Eagle;
8. Fritz Walther -- for the Walther PP Series;
9. Rollin White -- for the Smith & Wesson Model 1;
10. Henry Deringer -- for the original Philadelphia Deringer.
I have not included Gaston Glock in my list due to his having been not so much the designer as the driving force behind the Glock Model 17.
There it is, my list.
Fire away, for I know that each of you will have a list of your own.
[size=10][Edited typos.][/size]