Here is a fine looking Georgia deer.

In this age of instant information from emails and text messages, it's common for the folks at the GON office to receive lots of photos of giant bucks supposedly killed in Georgia. Most are photos we've seen dozens of times of bucks actually from Kansas, Texas or some other state. We don't get overly excited about a photo of giant buck until we do some checking. It didn't take long to get extremely excited about an email we received Monday morning, Nov. 10.
Pictured in the photo among a group posing with the buck was Brian McClure, of Oakfield. Brian won Week 1 of the Truck-Buck contest last season, and he is the farm manager of Red Oak Plantation in Worth County. Brian confirmed that the buck came from Red Oak.
The buck, an 18-pointer, was killed the afternoon of Nov. 9 by plantation owner George Brannen, of Inverness, Fla. George was hunting a food plot when the buck stepped out.
The buck's rack is a main-frame 6x6 12-pointer with six additional abnormal points. The rack can't be officially measured until January after the required 60-day drying period, but a qualified scorer put a tape to the rack and came up with an unofficial, green net score between 205 and 208 non-typical inches. An official score in that range would place Mr. Brannen's buck among the Top-15 non-typicals ever killed in Georgia. The rack had about 10 inches of side-to-side deductions, giving it a gross score in the 215 to 218 range.