Author Topic: Wonder if he ever sells a Rohrbaugh  (Read 5376 times)

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Wonder if he ever sells a Rohrbaugh
« on: September 29, 2010, 08:13:46 AM »
 Every time I go on Gunbroker to check for my next PUP I see the Highly over priced Elite and Special Forces on there. When ever there is such a highly marked up PUP listed it is always under the names of P-A-G or LittleJ10040 . I just wonder if he ever sells any of these guys at such a high price.
 Seems like it would be counter productive to mark a gun up so high it cannot be sold, or does he do that so he can "give you a special deal" like many "shady" car dealers do.
 Just wondering. Does gun broker and guns america charge by the listing or is there anither listing deal for dealers?

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Re: Wonder if he ever sells a Rohrbaugh
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2010, 03:58:06 PM »
GunBroker charges a percentage of the LISTED amount, so making you a deal would cost the seller money on top of the deal price. I don't remember what Guns America charges I haven't sold anything on there in a long time.
  I think those sellers are looking for the big fish and if they can't hook one they will hold on to the gun till it sells or becomes a collectors item.  ;D


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Re: Wonder if he ever sells a Rohrbaugh
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2010, 05:12:16 PM »
Yep!  My guess is, they don't have to make a living by selling the high price guns, just hoping for that one, two, or three lucky sales.  
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Re: Wonder if he ever sells a Rohrbaugh
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2010, 07:18:45 AM »
 I would not have that much patience. Seems like the same guns have been listed for almost a year.  I just found a Nighthawk Remington 870 Tactical Shotgun with all the options on it for $1000 .  List is $1900 New, My Military Discount would get it for me at about $1500. The one I found
for $1000 is used. But all Nighthawks come with a Lifetime warrantee which goes with the gun. So I think I did ok. But to start out on the wrong end is something I cannot get my self to do (ie Pay $3900 for an $1800 Gun)

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Re: Wonder if he ever sells a Rohrbaugh
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2010, 07:22:41 AM »
GunBroker charges a percentage of the LISTED amount, so making you a deal would cost the seller money on top of the deal price. I don't remember what Guns America charges I haven't sold anything on there in a long time.
  I think those sellers are looking for the big fish and if they can't hook one they will hold on to the gun till it sells or becomes a collectors item.  ;D


Both of them are the same person or business. They list the same guns.

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Re: Wonder if he ever sells a Rohrbaugh
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2010, 12:41:18 PM »
They are hoping that sometime,someone will come along and snap one up because they want it and do not care/know the real value..

Real value is what someone is willing to pay..
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Re: Wonder if he ever sells a Rohrbaugh
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2010, 01:25:45 PM »
 I see that alot in the High end 1911 market. You will see something listed for say $2500 and then as time goes by and nobody touches it, the price drops maybe 100.  Then eventually it gets to the real price which is probably closer to $2000.  I try to time it where I make my offer just when they are getting ready to drop thier price to where I am offering.
Works out pretty well most of the time. Always try to be fair.

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Re: Wonder if he ever sells a Rohrbaugh
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2010, 01:00:42 AM »
What makes these  Rohrbaugh pistols so special?  An H&K P7 would do any day of the week..  ;D

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Re: Wonder if he ever sells a Rohrbaugh
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2010, 10:26:47 AM »
NRA-Life-Member - what makes the Rohrbaugh special is a number of things.  First, it is not a combat pistol, it is a pocket pistol.  It only weighs in at 13.5 oz empty at about the same size as the Kel-Tec 3AT or Ruger LCP, but not quite as slim.  But the Rohrbaugh has the super benefit of being  a 9mm.

Most people carry it as back up gun or pocket pistol when they can not carry a "belt hanger'.  Or just basicly when  they feel the need for something a bit more discreet in their carry mode, or maybe due to climate conditions.

I have been carrying concealed for over 30 years and consider the Rohrbaugh the holy grail of pocket pistols.  You have the best balance of power and size/concealability and controlability on the market today with the added  bonus of being very well built, an actual work of art.

The Rohrbaugh is not cheap, but then it is not cheap either, it is top shelf.

Just hold one, shoot one if you can and then you will know that you have a real gem in your hands.

Pocket pistols are not for everybody, neither are the best, but when are tired of screwing around with stuff that just makes par or falls short, you will know when it's time for the best- Rohrbaugh.

Shoot Straight

...and by the way I agree about the HK P7, I have 2 of them, but the Rohrbaugh still goes with me daily.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 10:45:15 AM by Reinz »