Very interesting article, indeed. I personally don't have any firsthand experience in this area, but I do have a cousin who was a Detroit police officer in the early 1970's.
He told me the following, so you guys are getting this story 2nd hand.
Larry had to shoot a drugged-up guy determined to become a suicide-by-cop. He and his partner were dispatched to a burned-out building in one of the precincts that had been ruined in the '67 riots. The guy who they were called to subdue was a big naked white guy with a butcher knife. He came down the stairs saying, "Kill me, I gonna make you kill me!! My cousin, a recently-returned Viet Nam combat veteran, drew his .357 revolver and backed away, telling the perp to drop the knife in his loudest Command voice. Finally he literally had his back to the wall when he fired 6 rounds into center of mass. And the guy kept coming!! Now Larry's hand to hand with a big crazy guy, trying to keep from getting sliced up and yelling for his partner to shoot this crazy guy again. Larry's partner had a department issue .38 Spl revolver. He put the muzzle of the .38 in the guy's ear and pulled the trigger. The guy finally dropped at Larry's feet. After that incident, Larry became a trainer at the Detroit Police Academy.
I agree with Richard. A couple of center-of-mass hits to cause a big fluid leak and maybe destroy the pump, followed with the best head shot you can make to shut down the brain.
And they taught me in CCW class that it's okay to fire enough rounds to "stop the threat", followed with a quick '360' review for other threats.