Author Topic: .45 LC silvertips  (Read 8288 times)

Offline yankee2500

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Re: .45 LC silvertips
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2010, 11:50:56 AM »
My order from ammotogo was supposed to be delivered on the 9th., then UPS changed it to today. I ordered a day or two before you kj.


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Offline birdman

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Re: .45 LC silvertips
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2010, 11:53:05 AM »
   When I started this thread on 5 april I had just more or less stumbled upon the .45 LCs at ammo to go, I thought it was just a fluke. Now I'm seeing them in a lot of places. It makes me wonder if Winchester has started producing Silvertips, and if so, why start with the LCs? it's a great cartridge, but I would have thought they would have started producing 9mm and .380s first. If the production lines haven't started then where in the H*** did all these .45 LCs come from? Well, it's a start. Better days a comin'   Gene

Offline kjtrains

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Re: .45 LC silvertips
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2010, 12:27:04 PM »
My order from ammotogo was supposed to be delivered on the 9th., then UPS changed it to today. I ordered a day or two before you kj.


Yep, John.  Mine was supposed to be delivered also on 4/9 and was changed to today.  I guess they got ahead of themselves.    :)

Ammotogo shipment has arrived.  1:23 P.M.  4/12/10

Sportsman's Guide has arrived 4/14/10. 
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 03:02:30 PM by kjtrains »
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