Any Knife Collectors out there. Can you tell me if (John W. Smith )knives are worth the Money or what the Status is on His Knives. I have been told that he is Top Notch when it comes to knives, just would like to know where he fits in the Knife world.
Sorry it took so long to reply to this, Ratzo. I am a knife collector; have been since I was 8, and have been collecting custom knives since 1977.
I have been an Honorary Member of the Knifemakers Guild since Jim Hammond sponsored me in 1978. A long time.
Over the years, I've met just about every living famous maker at the knife shows. In fact, the Blade Show is next week, right here in Atlanta, and I'm an exhibitionist there;^) ( Table #25M).
I know John W. Smith personally, have drunk beer with him, and owned his knives. Let me say that in the knife world, his knives are considered to be of the finest quality. He is the sole author of every one of his knives now, and of all his talents, his best one is of consummate good taste. His knives have "it". And his range is from simple fixed blades to the fanciest folders.
Here is an outstanding example of a set he made for a card player:
My company, Tomway, LLC supplied the case. MountainMan, you may notice this set is from the collection of our mutual friend, Bob Harshall.
BTW-if any of you are coming to the Blade Show, I can supply you with a complimentary VIP Pass to the show, good for the entire weekend. PM me with your request.