Yeah, this guy is headed in that direction. A few days ago, I tried to get them to look somewhat towards the future, and the direction they were heading. This particular boy just started laughing and laughing, and he said, "In 10 years... 20 years... I'm gunna be exactly what I am now, a pharmaceutical distributor. That's what I do now, and that's what I'll be doing then, and I'll probably be making more money than you will."
Of course, all the studies show that for the hours those guys spend on the street, vs. the income they take in (on average) they'd be better off working at Walmart. And most of them don't realize that even an illegal job takes persistence... showing up and "working" instead of hanging out with their friends and playing video games. All that in addition to the prospects of jail and being killed in a turf war doesn't sound like a very good choice to me, but... my particular group of students looks upon me as an authority figure, and they aren't in the habit of listening to authority figures.
I could write a LONG post here about my observations of inner city youth, and most of it wouldn't be applicable to a gun forum, but I do have one thought that might be worth kicking around. Yes, several of these guys do have guns, or have access to guns. But when do they have opportunity to practice? You can't really set up targets on a street corner and practice your aim. And when all your guns are illegal and you are under 21, you can't go to a local range to practice. So when/where/how do these guys get to shoot? I don't think they do.
Not that it takes much skill to shoot someone at point blank range, but everyone on this board knows that at just a few feet away, it becomes exponentially harder to hit something with a handgun, especially if that target is moving. I'm going to bet that most of the street thugs are AWFUL shots. I still don't want them trying their luck with me as a target, though.
Also, I suspect that most of them are remarkably unfamiliar with the operation of their guns. If you haven't shot a few hundred rounds through a particular gun, you really don't know what it can or will do. Nor are you likely to even know how to maintain it, much less take the time to do so.
I don't know what good those speculations do, but I'd guess not much. Regardless of whether they can shoot, the quality of their weapons, the caliber, the condition... no matter what, I don't want to test those odds, especially since as a teacher I am a designated target, automatically disarmed by law. Maybe it's just wishful thinking that they won't be able to hit me, since I won't be able to shoot back. And in the part of town where I teach, there are a whole lot more "pharmaceutical distributors" than teachers.