I'll back you up on the environmental concerns -- admittedly I'm biased since I'm in biotech, and every species is essentially an economic goldmine -- what isn't realized by many people, is that to get oil out of ANWAR, etc will take DECADES -- it takes time to build an oil field, especially in those conditions -- and oil has, and needs to have, a short life as an energy supply -- even the oil companies are trying to get away from it -- and have reduced exploration/field development for those reasons -- as long as oil is needed, the Sauds, and all the other oil tyrants will have billions and the license to commit terror, throw little girls back into fires for not wearing veils, etc.
With that said, I don't believe in public lands -- you want to see horribly managed land, look to BLM lands in the US, or what the Soviets did to land in Russia -- that, and behind every government park, is, usually, a family forcibly removed from their land, which is the kind of thing we started the Revolution over.