As promised, I stopped by RJ’s home this morning and checked up on him. He and his wife are doing fine, other than being very warm from being without AC/power.
There was minor damage in the area, with most of that being from trees/limbs having fallen. In an area not far from RJ, I saw a number of very large oak trees blown over. Damage to buildings was very minor – most was suffered by the street-side signage, which was that plastic-type material. I saw one sign set up that actually had two signs – one was blown out and the other right above it had no damage at all – bizarre.
The crews are in the process of restoring power to the whole area. One block would have power, the next block would not. I would estimate that they’ve restored about 65-70% of the power to folks. I would expect to see that to be right near 100% by this time tomorrow.
RJ said he appreciates everyone’s concern and this will be the first place he stops once he’s back on line.