Just a suggestion, but if you and your lady ever have the oppportunity please check out the Crimson Trace Lasergrips for the Sig P239.
The grips feel like the Hogues, with the addtion of the Laser.
Some folks don't care for lasers in general, but my experience with CT Lasergrips has been super. I am an old fart who's eyes and hand steadiness is going South so I was seaching for any accuracy help I could get and the CT Lasergrips have provided that, in spades.
I am a believer in practicing from self defense range, which I consider to be 5-7 yards. If I sense an impending deadly confrontation at a further distance than that I will retreat as fast as my old senior citizen legs will let me.
I am also a believer in that if and when a confrontation occurs, and you have to display a weapon, then you will most probably be looking directly AT the threat, not at trying to acquire a "sight picture".
With the CT Lasergrips you look at the threat, point the Sig in the general direction and you will find a nice red dot, located precisely where the round would impact should you depress the trigger at that moment. EVEN in bright daylight, at 5-7 yards you will see the red dot.
I applaud those who's age, vision, etc. allows them accuracy with no need for aids such as lasers.. I was there once, but I'm not there now.
I don't know how much your lady shoots her Sig, or how she practices for potential confrontations, but I promise you she will be pretty amazed at the potential increased accuracy the CT Lasergrips will offer.
I've been a firearms owner since 1954. I've had a concealed carry permit since 1965, and I've owned a pile of pistols/revolvers over the years. I've NEVER owned a better firearm than the Sig P239.... Not even close.
Your lady, in my estimation, made a super choice.
Best Wishes,
J. Pomeroy