$1199 for R9S Stealth and Meco Split Pocket Holster (
http://mecopocketholsters.com/rearpocket.htm), plus everything in the pictures, shipped.
Bought both earlier this year (Mar 20, 2011; Serial #R4844). Took to the range twice and fired WWB 115g, Fed American Eagle 115g, Speer Gold Dot 124g regular and short barrel, and a reload... all rounds fired perfectly (surprised me, actually since it is supposedly ammo sensitive). Approx 50 rounds shot through it.
Problem, as I posted earlier, is it is too much of a kicker for me; two or three shots and I put it down for awhile and shoot something else. Although I love its looks and weight and all, I want to sell because I won’t carry it knowing it will hurt to shoot. Nice gun (nice Rohrbaugh forum, too)... recommend for less recoil sensitive person.
Robert (of Meco Holsters) told me he prefers this holster for the Rohrbaugh and wears it in his front and back pocket.