Sorry for the delay, been out of town for a few days and out of touch (not necessary a bad thing, LOL)
Never got the PM.
Lately I've used are on Kingwood drive, not far from Hwy59
Worried about them staying in business.
When on the bay I like:$20 last time I used them about a year ago. Just checked on them, $10 if you have a LTC, $25 if you don't.
Expanded a lot, got suppressors now.
These guys are also $20, however they are in hard financial shape. I am surprised every time I go by there and it's still open. Nice guys. the past before those places opened I used Houston Gun store on 1960, but they closed and the owner facing criminal charges. There was a store on I-45 near Rayford (Operators Edge) that used to do them cheap for me, but out of business and owner got charged with a bunch of stuff IIRC. Used to know the previous owner of the gun range in Humble, Sportsmans outlet, and he gave me real good deals on transfers, but he is gone since the federal charges and he can't be around a gun shop anymore. New guys jacked up the prices pretty good.
Basically I am saying check with them first to make sure I haven't cursed them into jail or bankruptcy.
