Author Topic: Report on Remington's RM380 in Shooting Times magazine Nov. 2016 issue  (Read 4749 times)

Offline sslater

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Just got my November issue of Shooting Times in the mail.  Layne Simpson wrote a RM380 test report including 1,200 trouble-free rounds thru the first product Winchester has produced from the purchase of Rohrbaugh's operation. 

Summary:  Simpson really likes the RM380.  He's familiar with the Rohrbaugh R9 and R380 pistols because he kept comparing features on the RM380 to the "parent" R380.  The only hiccup Simpson seemed to have was in reassembly after cleaning.  He said holding the slide in the correct position to accept the take-down pin while wiggling the muzzle requires three hands.   Seems he hasn't seen the old R.J Headly tool or (my favorite) PVC fitting.

I sure wish that Crimson Trace LG-479 Laserguard device would fit onto my early serial number R9s, but I'm not about to hack up my 11-year daily carry pistol. Nor am I anxious to hack up a $240 Crimson Trace laser sight...
I have even considered buying a RM380 with laser and then trying to put the 9mm parts from my R9s into the Remington.  Then sanity returned.  Not a good idea to 'Frankenstein" a daily carry pistol. 



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Re: Report on Remington's RM380 in Shooting Times magazine Nov. 2016 issue
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2016, 08:53:27 PM »
The same idea plagued me for a while but somewhere I saw a pic that made me think not everything would line up and assemble correct. I just wanted to , not for the laser but just in case the frame became damaged or were irreplaceable at some time in the future.