Author Topic: Robby doesn't always want to eat his food! Failures to feed 1-2x each mag :-(  (Read 13417 times)


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Absolutely agree..stretching/bending springs=work hardening, done enough times will result in failure.

Offline backupr9

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I have been informed that mag springs do not weaken due to continuously loaded mags due to a static compression.  Springs weaken and fail due to dynamic compression, as with the recoil spring needing replacement every 150 to 200 rounds.  I would like to hear informed opinion on this...Eric?
"Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little order, will lose both, and deserve neither." 
Thomas Jefferson

Endur Fortis

Offline tracker

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Your statement is factually correct.

Offline ECR

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I have been informed that mag springs do not weaken due to continuously loaded mags due to a static compression.  Springs weaken and fail due to dynamic compression, as with the recoil spring needing replacement every 150 to 200 rounds.  I would like to hear informed opinion on this...Eric?

As tracker mentioned, your statement is factually correct. As for the recoil spring on the R9, I have myself stretched the outer recoil spring at times over the past 10 plus years of "fiddling with" this pistol. While it is in no way recommended, it absolutely does help for a few magazines worth of ammunition going downrange, but it does collapse quickly to it's former state of being in need of replacement. Is it a good thing to do? . . . .  Only if you need to use the pistol and no new spring is readily available. . . yes, it can be done reliably for a short period of time, however, install a fresh outer recoil spring as soon as you can to bring the pistol back to factory specification. 

Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.