Author Topic: 9-11 Lest We Forget  (Read 7286 times)

Offline wildmanwill

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9-11 Lest We Forget
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:48:29 PM »
At 0846:31 AM 13 years ago today Mohamed Atta crashed American Flight 11 into the North Tower of the World Trade Center

Don't forget to take time to remember all those murdered on 9/11 along with the Firefighters, Police Officers and EMS Members murdered in the Line of Duty. Also take time to remember those who survived and those who are survivors of those murdered.

NEVER FORGETTING, means NEVER FORGETTING. And as a part of that, it means never forgetting:

- who attacked us.

- why they attacked us.

- who gave their lives that day.

- who continues to suffer each and every day.

If you need help remembering here is a link...

Offline backupr9

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Re: 9-11 Lest We Forget
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2014, 08:13:46 PM »
Thanks for posting.
"Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little order, will lose both, and deserve neither." 
Thomas Jefferson

Endur Fortis

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Re: 9-11 Lest We Forget
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2014, 08:35:23 PM »
Amen. Thanks for posting.
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Offline wildmanwill

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Re: 9-11 Lest We Forget
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2015, 01:08:31 PM »
Things look very different 14 years later, but with so many 9/11 related cancer illnesses and deaths, the attacks very much continue for those who were there that day and in the days that immediately followed.

Don't forget to take time to remember all those murdered on 9/11 along with the Firefighters, Police Officers and EMS Members murdered in the Line of Duty. Also take time to remember those who survived and those who are survivors of those murdered.

The Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, PA just officially opened earlier this week - might be worth a visit if you live in that neck of the woods.

« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 08:01:49 PM by wildmanwill »

Offline Richard S

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Re: 9-11 Lest We Forget
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2015, 08:47:41 PM »
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

Offline cargaritaville

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Re: 9-11 Lest We Forget
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2015, 09:41:14 PM »
When I was in the 4th grade, the room intercom came on and a live CBS broadcast announced that President Kennedy had been assassinated. I looked around the room and I will never forget the horrified expressions on all the kids faces. Sister Mary Aldrich put her head on her desk and cried. I will never forget that day and moment. The next event that made a mark on me was when we landed on the moon. Unbelievable! I thought to myself what could ever top that! When the first jet hit the World Trade Center, I was at an auto auction in Mass. All the lane monitors showed the horror. 19 lanes of cars with 19 screaming auctioneers became still and silent. You could hear a pin drop. It was eerie, and unfortunately it was only the beginning.
Having a gun in your hand is much more effective than having the entire police department on the phone!

Offline JoshA

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Re: 9-11 Lest We Forget
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2015, 10:12:10 PM »
I remember.

Horrible day.

I remember getting to work and watching it on one of my employees TV monitor in his truck.

We obviously took the day off.

I remember drilling a well the next day and there being no airplanes in the sky. All day. Not one. This is Indy. We have lots of planes usually.

I remember mex carrying my s&w 59 to the truck stop to get fuel for our drill rig. Lines of people.

I also remember telling my then almost 5 year old about God and how Jesus paid for mans sin that day. I was serious that day. Very serious.

I don't want to forget.

It's hard to believe these guys are still slaying innocent people the world over to this day.

Thank God for the safety we do enjoy since that day. Not that we have been deserving, but I thank God and our public servants and military for what safety we are endowed with.

Thanks for those who have paid with their blood.

I don't want that to be wasted. I want to remember. I want to be stirred to tell my kids/grandkids. I want to be roused to stand vigilant. I want to give to help others be free of this tyranny of terror. So help me God.
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)

Offline backupr9

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Re: 9-11 Lest We Forget
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2015, 11:18:33 AM »
I remember:  Was volunteering in Black Lung clinic in Norton, Virginia when staff called me to the little TV saying a plane hit one of the towers...I thought it was some unfortunate idiot in a Cessna, but then the 2nd one hit.  My daughter was scheduled to fly out of Logan airport that day (fortunately had switched to a flight scheduled the next day due to work requirement); my younger son was a 757 pilot and I had no idea where he was; my brother in law was the assistant director of the Department of Transportation and was due in the Pentagon for meetings that day...there was no cell type service their/then and I remember finishing my clinic in a daze.  Driving back down the beautiful mountain road to Kingsport, TN. that sunny fall afternoon I saw a farmer on his tractor mowing hay on a sloping mountain meadow, and felt my chest swell with love for and confidence in America's resilient strength.

Much later that day my wife and I heard from all three, all blessedly safe.  The anger came later.
"Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little order, will lose both, and deserve neither." 
Thomas Jefferson

Endur Fortis

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Re: 9-11 Lest We Forget
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2015, 01:48:39 PM »
Nice reading some of your personal thoughts here everyone. Thank you all for posting.

       For me. . . .

            . . . . . I will never forget the massacre we as Americans felt on that day ~ September 11, 2001 ~
Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.