I remember: Was volunteering in Black Lung clinic in Norton, Virginia when staff called me to the little TV saying a plane hit one of the towers...I thought it was some unfortunate idiot in a Cessna, but then the 2nd one hit. My daughter was scheduled to fly out of Logan airport that day (fortunately had switched to a flight scheduled the next day due to work requirement); my younger son was a 757 pilot and I had no idea where he was; my brother in law was the assistant director of the Department of Transportation and was due in the Pentagon for meetings that day...there was no cell type service their/then and I remember finishing my clinic in a daze. Driving back down the beautiful mountain road to Kingsport, TN. that sunny fall afternoon I saw a farmer on his tractor mowing hay on a sloping mountain meadow, and felt my chest swell with love for and confidence in America's resilient strength.
Much later that day my wife and I heard from all three, all blessedly safe. The anger came later.