Richard, as a long time practicing critical care/pulmonary physician who basically spend every day and most nights in the ICU, I have found that my favorite Bible quote is: "It came to pass." As long as we can absorb the hit, we can move on and know that the possibility for a new and better future exists. Reinz, sorry for your present stress...just keep on truckin' and try to know that the future is yours to fashion to your needs and wishes.
ps: my best friend is an attorney...Mensa, honest, plain spoken and a wonderful person who, like me, understands the blessing of good single malt Scots whiskey. Many of my mother's family were attorneys...actually, I am considered the "white sheep" of the family in consequence. People tend to like and trust their own doctors and lawyers, but distrust everybody else's. Nevertheless, your assessment of the legal profession is right on IMHO. God protect us all from crooked "do gooders" in every profession: politicians, physicians, lawyers, preachers and priests, and from those who profess to organize us and our communities for the betterment of humanity.